Meet the #OMA2024 Social Media Ambassador!

The Ohio Museums Association is proud to introduce our 2024 Social Media Ambassador - Olivia Burkart! Olivia will be sharing their 2024 conference experience on their social media channels in real time to act as a resource for both those joining us in Sandusky, and those not able to attend in-person. (Want to join us on-site at this year's conference? There's still time to register!)

Olivia Burkart is the Social Media Manager for the Bowling Green State University's Department of History, the Library Assistant at BGSU's Browne Popular Culture Library, and an Associate at EnterTRAINment Junction. You can follow Olivia via the BGSU Department of History handles at @historydepartmentbgsu and @falconhistorybgsu on Instagram, @BGSU Department of History on Facebook, and @BGSU_History on X. 

We are so excited to have Olivia as this year's Social Media Ambassador, and look forward to seeing their conference adventures and hearing their unique take on the 2024 conference.

Be sure to follow @BGSU_History and each of the handles above for all the updates from this year's Social Media Ambassador, and don't forget to follow #OMA2024 for all the details on this year's annual conference!

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