The Art of Security - OMA In-Person Workshop CINCINNATI

Graphic with OMA logo in corner and image of Jeff McKissack with the text, "The Art of Security"
Join OMA for our In-Person workshop - Cincinnati Location, August 19 at the Cincinnati Art Museum, "The Art of Security"

Join OMA for our In-Person Workshop at the Cincinnati Art Museum in Cincinnati, August 19 - The Art of Security

(Please Note: You must be logged in to register)

NOTE: This is registration for the Cincinnati location, August 19. If you are interested in registering for the Columbus location (August 21) or the Cleveland location (August 23), please click those links to be taken to those locations' registration pages.


Most look at security as mere functionality. Beyond that, most also look to technology alone in addressing various security issues. A true holistic approach sees that there is both strategy and even art to a comprehensive security approach, one that also includes human factors, not simply technological ones.

What are the physical risks, data risks and reputational risks that you should be aware of in creating a more comprehensive approach to your museum's security?  In addition, what are some of the points of vulnerability and liability related to staff, volunteers and even patrons of your facility?  And finally, what are suggested points of documentation to show not simply due diligence, but "above and beyond" measures you enacted proactively to address these concerns should the undesirable or unthinkable occur?

Join Jeff McKissack of Defense by Design, in-person at the Cincinnati Art Museum to discuss these questions and more, like:

  • What are the pros and cons of cameras, alarms and access controls?

  • Why should the physical safety of your people, on and off the clock be of concern?

  • Why is a good story often more effective and dangerous than a gun or knife?

  • What should be the goal as it pertains to mitigating potential onsite protests/protestors at your museum?

  • Why would your museum's data be of interest to potential bad actors?

  • Why is what your people do, post, tweet, record and get "caught on camera" doing important today?

  • How do you more proactively address and mitigate all the above and document that process?

About our speaker: 

For almost 40 years, Jeff McKissack, President of Defense by Design, has addressed audiences across the nation, both live and televised, regarding the issues of risk and reputation management.  His career began working years ago with an investigative reporter for the national media, focusing on these topics and their human players, both victims and perpetrators alike.  What was gleaned from these has been the basis of his career addressing countless professional conferences and conventions, employee groups, state and national associations, and corporate client events.

Jeff has provided continuing education seminars to those in the human resources, risk management, medical, legal, financial, real estate and event planning industries to name a few, and has been a contributing writer to trade publications within these industries as well.

Jeff sums up his message and mission by saying, "my goal is to help you spot trouble before trouble spots you.”


When:  Monday, August 19, 2024, 10:00 AM – 12:00 AM

Where:  IN-PERSON – Cincinnati Art Museum, 953 Eden Park Dr., Cincinnati, OH 45202

Cost: $15 – OMA Members; $25 Non-members

Registration deadline: August 16, 2024

Important notes about our Cincinnati Art Museum workshop:

  • The Cincinnati Art Museum is undergoing construction, so the workshop will take place in the gallery in lieu of a classroom. Because of this, no food or drinks are allowed in the workshop space. (No refreshments will be provided, please do not bring any outside food or drinks into the workshop space.)

  • All attendees will enter through the main entrance (this is an accessible entrance). Free parking is available at the museum.

  • If you would like to continue the conversation after the workshop, we encourage participants to join OMA at the Mt. Adams Bar and Grille on Hatch St. for lunch-on-your-own, just a short drive from the museum.


Photography and Video Release Statement
By registering for and attending this OMA event, you grant the Ohio Museums Association and its authorized representatives permission to film, photograph, or otherwise record your participation in the event. You further agree that such images, photographs, and recordings may be used by OMA without your prior approval in any form and for any lawful purpose including, without limitation, promoting OMA. Such use will not entitle you to any credit or compensation. You release OMA, its officers, and employees from any liability connected with the use of any image, photograph, or recording taken during this OMA event.


8/19/2024 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Eastern Daylight Time

Please Note: You must be signed in to register for upcoming OMA events.

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